Work With Kim


Whether you’re in tech, retail, service-based business, or a start-up, emotional intelligence is integral to your company’s performance and communication.

Emotional intelligence is becoming more and more important as we see a multi-generational expansion both culturally and in the workplace - and it’s not going to go away.

Those who aren’t afraid to step up and become master Emotion Chefs are going to be leaps and bounds ahead of their peers and competitors.

The Emotion Chef Framework provides small, actionable steps that improve workplace productivity, communication, connectivity, and reduced employee stress.

This Framework creates resilient employees who bounce back from setbacks and remain effective in the face of tough demands and difficult circumstances, and moreover, grow stronger and more productive in the process.

I’ve been in your shoes - having worked for many different organizations over my professional career, I understand the need for emotional resilience in the workplace and the impact that the Emotion Chef Framework can have on your employees.

I know that my Resilience Recipe is exactly what you’ve been looking for. I’d love to set up a time to review the program, and how we can cater to your company’s specific needs.

Find out how the Framework can be customized to really speak to your employees and incite change:

Resilience Recipe


Do you have a hard time bouncing back from difficult experiences?

Do you manage your stress or does stress manage you?

Can you name more than 10 emotions that you experience consistently in your life?

Do you avoid negative emotions?

Then you’re in the right place.

We’ve all been there - and there’s a solution that is xyz

The Emotion Chef Course provides small, actionable steps that improve productivity, communication, connectivity, and reduce stress.

This Framework creates resilience, allowing you to bounce back from setbacks and remain effective in the face of tough demands and difficult circumstances, and moreover, grow stronger and more productive in the process.

I know that my Emotion Chef Course is exactly what you’ve been looking for. Over the course of 4 weeks, we will develop, tune, hone, and cultivate your resilience, resulting in you becoming a master Emotion Chef.

Emotion Chef